Breathtaking trekking experience through the misty cloud forest

Densely forested Knuckles Mountain Range lies in the center of Sri Lanka, in the districts of Matale & Kandy. Along with Horton Plains National Park & the Peak Wilderness Forest region, it forms part of Sri Lanka’s Central Highlands. The whole area was collectively declared a Natural World Heritage Site in 2010. The name Knuckles was given to the area by early British surveyors, who decided the undulating peaks & folds of the most prominent five mountains resembled the knuckles of a clenched fist from a distance. However local peoples refer to the area as Dumbara Hills, which means ‘Mist-laden Mountain Range’. 

The Knuckles Mountain Range consists some of the most heavenly nature trails in Sri Lanka. This region is home to around 40 villages and is rich in biodiversity with the abundance of flora and fauna, it makes your trekking experience a complete one. This mountain range has become a major eco-tourism spot in Sri Lanka. Most of the travelers tend to explore the small isolated villages and terraced paddy fields in the foothills before climbing onto the high massif. There are 128 recorded bird species that inhabit the forest & the Knuckles Forest reserve is well renowned for the best conservation forest in terms of the highest butterfly density in the country. 

You can decide the degree of difficulty and the duration. Whether it is a short walk, a hike or a trip to the waterfalls we are here for your unforgettable trekking experience. Tremendous team know the best and safest trekking tails in knuckles.