Wellness Tours

Wellness tourism is a fast growing tourism segment mainly due to growing desire to adopt a wellness life style. Busy life style of the people has let to a myriad of health impairments-Physically ,Mentally, Socially and Spiritually, Stress and Stress related diseases. Numerically most of the world's population is suffering by these poor health conditions. They are suffering from diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer etc…

Nature is an increasingly important component to wellness. Providing treatments or programs outdoor will be the answer to prevent from this dangerous diseases.

Sri Lanka has well established history for wellness treatment that can provide holistic and spiritual healing. Historical association with Ayurveda and indigenous treatment systems, Buddhist meditations and yoga are main method used in Sri Lanka for your wellness.

Stress relief, Weight loss, Detoxing are some of benefits you can get from these treatments.


Tremendous Lanka will arrange various types of wellness tours. Specially we always concern clients expectation.

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