Agro Tours

Sri Lanka is situated closer to the equator and has a tropical climate. It is self sufficient in, sun and rain year around and fertile soil as well as balanced temperature, in addition to those, this island is fed by 108 rivers and surrounded by the sea. All these factors are funder mental to being a agricultural country. Therefore Sri Lanka is still an agricultural island. The majority of the people living in this land are farmers.

The Staple food of Sri Lanka is rice and it is cultivated two times a year. In ancient times Sri Lanka was known as the grainery of the East.  In addition since the ancient period Sri Lanka is very famous for its spices. This country had to become a colony for three nations because of the spices. Cinnamon is the main reason for it.

Ceylon Spice Tour

Spices play a major role in Eastern cuisines. It gives a great taste and aroma to the dish.The herbal values of the spices go beyond it’s taste. So there is a large trend in using spices around the world.As a ‘’spice island ‘’ Sri Lanka produce many kind of spices. Black pepper, cardamom, coriander, cloves, nutmeg and mace, vanilla, curry leaves pandan leaves, lemon grass are some of it.

The most popular spice in Sri Lanka is cinnamon . Sri Lanka and Cinnamon is like two sides of one coin. Sri Lanka is a main country that export 90 percent of the true cinnamon around the world.Gold colour pieces of cinnamon enhance the taste of the food with a sweet fragrance. It has a ability to kill cancer cells and also fight against the diabetes. It contains anti inflammatory properties also.

Processing cinnamon is an art. No machineries used on this trade and everything doing manually.  In your spice tour you can explore how cinnamon is produced and how they make essential oils out of cinnamon leaves and taste a cup of cinnamon tea.

Village Tour

Sri Lankas main meal is rice and curry. So villages, they grow many vegetables for their consumption. They grow vegetables in chenas.

But secure their vegetables from the wild animals is main issue they faced. Chasing elephants, wild boars, porcupines, deers, is part of their daily routine. They make tree huts and spend the night there to chase these animals. On your village tour you may see all their activities related with village life.

Tea Tour

Even though this country has become a colony, Sri Lanka was possible to get good benefits of it. Because the colonialists introduced tea and rubber to Sri Lanka. Because of that Sri Lanka has earned the reputation of being the county that export best tea to the world.Tea is cultivated in the central Highlands. Tea needs cool and breezy climate to grow. Climate of Central Highlands climate is very suitable for the tea tree.The inter winded tea trees gives a look of green carpet.In addition Tea is a major source of foreign exchange. Its a huge industry in Sri Lanka.

A tea tour is the best way to explore this great industry. Walk through the green blanket of tea, pluck with tea plucking ladies, visit a tea factory and see how the tea is processed. The factory expertise is ready to share their knowledge with you

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