Tips for travelling SL

Sri Lanka experiences two monsoon seasons affecting two regions at different times.

If you visit Sri Lanka through December to March for Beach activities - West and south coast is best area

 While, Visitors from April to September- East coast is the best

Paddy cultivation activities can be seen May to Auguest and September to March and Cinnamon and tea activities operates thorugh out the year

Visit through month of July-Auguest to witness a Esala procession that held in Katharagama Devalaya and Temple of tooth in Kandy Every year

When you are in Sri Lanka


                   The palm clasped together and gentle bows of the head and say “Ayubowan” is the main way greeting or Sri Lanka's gentle gesture of welcome and respect.

                   “Ayubowan” means may you live longer and this greeting can be used trough out the day.

                    It is better to use right hand for giving, taking or shaking hands. Do not shake hands with a Buddhist monk or a Hindu swami. Greet them with your hands classped together.


                  Due to tropical climate it's  better to wear light cotton dressers, Hats, Sunglasses and Sandles.All visitors to Temples are expected to remove shoes and hats.Topless or nude      sunbathing and swimming is probihited by the law in Sri Lanka.


                 Don't make pictures near military sites. Photography  in the temples is allowed, except taking pictures while you keeping your back towards statues or while touching statues.


                We recomennded consuming bottle water for drinking.


                 A small tip(Rs.200/=), Once  you have paid your bill  has become accepted practice in Sri Lanka.For porters Rs.200/= is a good amount.Please ask your guide for more information.


                Banking Hours are between 09.00 to15.00 duruing weekdays.However automatic teller machines are availabale in every major cities.

     Unauthorized Guides

                For your own safety we recommended that you do not entertain strangers.Please speak with us if you need to do an excursion. Do not use the services offered by various  unauthorized guides.