Buddhism & Meditation


Buddhism and Meditation Tours

What is Buddhism and what do we know about Buddhism? Buddhism is a teaching of the supreme Buddha.Buddhism does not speak about a creator or a destroyer of  this universe.In that sense Buddhism is not a religion, People often inquire “Is Buddhism a  philosophy”. The simple answer is that Buddhism is too vast and too profound to be neatly placed in a single category. 

We acquaint Buddhism as the teaching of the supreme Buddha. It is completely filled with freedom. Buddhism speaks about the mind because Supreme Buddha gave a higher place to the mind. Controlling and cleansing the mind is the essence of the Teaching of Buddha. The supreme Buddha told, “Our god is our mind”, the practiced mind takes you to the real place. To control or to tame your mind, Meditation is the only option. There are two types of meditation or two forms of concentration in Buddhism,

  1. Samatha Meditation – by practicing this meditation method we will be able to focus our mind on one beneficial subject and we can suppress our hindrances (evil mind) and get mental relief. Mental calm is the natural result of this. 
  2. Vidharshana Meditation – through this meditation method one can eradicate these hindrances. It helps to practice a virtuous life by purification of the mind. Vidharshana meditation is exclusively Buddhist and a unique contribution of the supreme Buddha. 


Sri Lankan Buddhists practice these meditations since the 3rd century BC. In Sri Lanka, there are many meditation centers & forest hermitages around the country which are calm &  quiet. If you want to heal your mind & body through meditation, Sri Lanka is the best place for that.If you wish to enhance your mind through thiese meditations.We at Tremendous Lanka  ready to serve you

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