Village trail with cottage lunch

Rural beauty can still be easily enjoyed in this island in Sri Lanka. The main reason for this is, that beauty of the village hasn’t been destroyed by urbanization. As people whose living in a tropical country, villagers know the importance of keeping the environment in green. Mostly they have relaxed and calm life style, running after money is not their way. Therefore, stress is very less and less ambitious, simple & smiley faces.   Push cycle is their main means of transportation and peddling it through the narrow paths and gravel roads. The young generation has been moved to the Motor bikes & Tuk tuks. 

While you are walking through this village, maybe you’ll see a herd of buffalo is passing by you. Cattles are still their agricultural partners. They leave small areas in the middle of their paddy fields for the birds. They have a strong bond with the nature. The village is beautified by, Paddy fields, Wattle and daub houses & cottages, Vegetable farms, Dairy farms, Chena huts, man-made lakes and Canals, Birds and wild animals. Their theme is simply the best. Villages diet is as simple as they are, although tasty and healthy. Most of the things they eat are the things that are grown and found in the environment. Their main staple food is rice and curry. Green leaves play major roll of their diet. Other than that, they add some other food varieties as their special diet such as, Rotti with hot chili chutney, Pittu with coconut milk, String Hoppers with coconut sambal, Plain Hoppers/Egg Hoppers etc. 

Their favorite dessert is curd (made out of buffalo milk) and treacle (Palm sugar syrup). They have a very good knowledge in combination of foods. Sight and taste are important than telling. So, we Tremendous Lanka invite our guest to enjoy a lunch in a coconut thatched roofed clay cottage, while you experience the beauty of the village.