Catamaran Ride in the stunning Sorabora Tank

The renowned Sorabora Wewa, the massive irrigation reservoir of ancient Bimthanne lies about 1km from the Mahiyangana town. It’s thought to have been constructed during the reign of King Dutugemunu (161–137 BC), legend says that the reservoir was built by a villager and a rather unknown army general called Bulatha, is a place of historical engineering genius. When building of the Sorabora Wewa didn’t place any sluice gate at the embankment but used a strategically located natural rock away from the embankment and cut a deep canal which acted as the sluice for the tank. Since the rock wasn’t subject to erosion by the pressure of water, the ancient builders had decided to do it with the tried and tested Bisokotuwa or valve pit for this creation. It is said that this is the only such type sluice gate found in Sri Lanka. 

A beautiful walk-way around the reservoir is relaxing. The Sorabora Wewa Reservoir which is rich in birdlife is an attraction to nature lovers. We Set out at dawn as the sun is yet to begin its ascent and flocks of birds take flight across the dawning skies. Experience the enchanting wonder of nature, from fragile lotuses that are plucked to be offered in temples, to the water birds and the elusive elephant in their natural habitat. Observe the local fisherman’s as they go about their daily task of laying out and pulling in their fish laden nets. Indulge in a scrumptious breakfast of traditional Sri Lankan on a rock plain of catchment area. Enjoy the serenity of unspoiled nature while walking along the long lake bund. What better way to start your day!