Explore ancient Buddhist monasteries & Buddha statues

Buddhist monasteries are buildings occupied by monks (the disciples founded by supreme Buddha) for living under the religious vows. The history of the monasteries in Sri Lanka runs back to the 3rd century BC. The Buddhism (the Teaching of supreme Buddha) was introduced to Sri Lanka by Arahant Mahinda thero in year 247 BC. He was son of the emperor Asoka from India. Arahant Mahinda thero visited Sri Lanka with his 06 disciples and they are the first group of monks who choose monasteries as their living place in Sri Lanka. There are 02 types of monasteries that could be seen in Sri Lanka,

  1. Cave monasteries

The monks who desire to meditate, choose cave monasteries as these places are calm, quiet and strongly blended with nature. Still, we can see these kinds of places are functioning but mostly deep in the jungles.

  1. Village /City Monasteries

In the earlier periods the Kings who ruled this country built these monasteries for the monks. Those are not a single building but huge monastery complexes, which consist of Bodhi Tree, Stupa, Image House, Refectory, Hospital Complex, Steam Bath (Jantagara), Pond, drinking water wells, Chapter House, Education Centre and Living Quarters.  

Buddha statues - you can see Buddha statues all around the county. But monasteries with these statues are amazing and world class. Samadhi statue in Anuradhapura, Standing Buddha statue in Aukana, standing, meditating & reclining statues in Polonnaruwa, meditating Buddha statue in Tholuwila are highlighted. Those statues show us the Master carving of Sri Lankan sculptors. During your stay in Sri Lanka, you have a chance to explore these ancient monastery complexes mainly in Anuradhapura, Mihintale, Polonnaruwa areas. Because of these monasteries UNESCO was given the world heritage status to these cities.