Mask carving workshop with an artist

Welcome to a unique and marvelous  experience in wood carving in Sri Lanka.This experience is another traditional work that led  by master artists. Wood Carving has a great history that runs back to many centuries.Sri Lankans are well exper6ts in wood carving and stone carvings.

Earlier craftsmen mostly carved Buddha statues .Later it spread to mask carvings and also for building related products. Buddhist wood carvings are visible at Ambekka temple, Lankathilake temple, Chamber house of Kandy Kingdoms etc… Mask carving is related with rituals in villages that used for healing and curing illness. Still you can see these traditions.

In a wood carving workshop brings you face to face with skilled master artists who have dedicated their lives to preserving the ancient craftsmanship.

These wood carving artists explain you step by step how a piece of wood becomes a valuable creation. They show you how to make natural paints that last for a long period of time, out of natural ingredients.  

Discover the mask,that associated with the various folklores,myths and get to know how masks used in rituals,Performences and festivals.

This workshop promises a memorable. Experience that will  stay with you long after you've left the island.