Preserving the heritage of Ceylon Tea

Welcome to the glorious tea country Sri Lanka, Where the tea nestled through the lus greenery and  misty hills. Sri Lanka is famous for it's quality tea plantation that produce finest tea to the world.Lets start a journey to explore the goodenss of tea, it's facinating history, the way of processing, Grading, Distinctive characteristic of high grown, mid grown and low grown teas and what  people say about tea.

The godness of Sri Lankan tea is truely incomparably. Renowned for it's rich flavour, impressive aroma and exceptional quality. It refreshing you waith every sip.From black teas strong flavors to delicate white teas and every thing in between, Sri Lanka give your a diverse range of  teas to cater to every palate.

The chinease are the nation who discover tea in the world.It was bought to Sri Lanka by the Brtish. James Taylor is credited as the pioneer who introduced tea to Sri Lanka in 1867, marking the begining of Sri Lanka's illustrilous tea industry.

The jpurney of the tea from leaf to cup involves a meticulous processing procedure that preserve it's distinct characteristic.They pluk the bud and two leaeves only at a time.Then the tea leaves undergo withering to reduce moisture up to 50%.When it's come to the real moisture level the tea leave is rolled, twisted and slowly broken up.Then leaves are firmental or oxidized to develop the desired taste profile.The fermented leaf, sent through the firing chambers for drying.Then start the sorting and grading.It's based on leaf size and quality.

The main Grades of Ceylon tea are,

   BOP-Broken Orange Pekoe(This is suitable to drink without adding anything)

   BOPF-Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings(This is good with milk)

   OP-Orange Pekoe(with lite taste)

   Dust- smallest in size, but very strong    and many more….

Sri Lanka tea is known for it's regional variations based on the alititude at which it is grown,above the 1200m space MSL is treated as high grown tea.

these tea possess a delicate flavour, bright golden color with nice aroma.High grown tea is famous around the globe.

Mid grown tea, between to 600m to 1200m offers a perfect balance of strength and flavour, with vibrant color and distinct taste.

Low grown teas cultivated in the coastal region that below to 600m, are known for robust flavour and coppery color.this tea is suitable for who prefer a stronger cup of tea.


Sri Lanka produce various type of tea such as black tea, green tea, silver tips, golden tips, instant tea, flavoured tea etc…

A visit to Sri Lanka is incomplete without experiencing it's tea plantations. Walk through the rolling hills, help the ladies who plucking the tea, enjoy a guided tour of tea factory to facinating tea-making process and taste a cup of freshly brewed ceylon tea, while taking in the breathtaking veiws.

Famous tea quotes saying…

      “Sri Lankan tea is more than just a beverage”

      “My favourite beverage is Ceylon tea"-Yuri Gagari-soviat cosmonaut

      “Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept”-Franses hardinge

      “A cup of tea is a cup of peace”-Sen Sōshitsu

      A cup of tea change “Bitter to Better”