Market visit & cook with chef

This is a very popular activity among our guests. We arrange this activity in a real Sri Lankan village, you may can reach there by bicycle, Tuk tuk or by your vehicle. First you will be accompanied to a local vegetable market to buy your own preference of vegetables and fruits required to make the dishes. There, you’ll be able to understand how to pick local vegetables, fruits, spices and other stuff from the village market. After buying all the stuffs that need for your cooking session, you will be taken to a countryside house where you will be taught and experience how to cook an authentic Sri Lankan meal. Chef & the staff will be waiting there to welcome you. Then you’ll be served King Coconut as a welcome drink, that’s the tradition of our village people. During this cooking demonstration your chef will teach you the tips and tricks to make your food appetizing with a better aroma. Trying to cook different cuisines will be another lifetime experience during your journey in Sri Lanka.

Our main objective is demonstrating how to cook local vegetables such as Drumstick, Bitter gourd, Ash Plantain, Pumpkin, Snake gourd, Ribbed gourd, Banana flower, Ladies fingers, Brinjals & some herbal leaves with using our own spices like Garlic, Ginger, Garcinia, Chili, Tamarind, Black Pepper, Turmeric, Clove, Pandan Leaves, Curry Leaves, Fennel Seeds, Cumin Seeds, Coriander Seeds, Fenugreek, Mustard, Cinnamon and Cardamom. At the end of the cooking lessons savor delicious authentic lunch basking in the glory as it’s almost your choices and what you cook you enjoy! Eat like a local, learn its own food beliefs, traditions, etiquette and manners.