Cooking demo & lunch at the paddy house

Our main staple food is rice and we eat it with curries. Usually, we add some herbal dishes for our meal. Simmered vegetable is very special dish among our cuisines. Cooking method is frying but without oil. Do you know what is the difference between hot and spicy? Sri Lankan’s are adding more Chilies to their cuisines. Chili is hot but spices are not so. There are several spices we used traditional kitchens in Sri Lanka. Coriander, Turmeric, Clove, Fenugreek, Cumin Seeds. Cinnamon, Pepper, Mustard, Mace, Cardamom, Ginger, Garlic, Nutmeg are played vital role among those. Also, most of these spices are treated as medicines. Renowned Sri Lankan chef Dr. Publis Silva emphasized a traditional kitchen in Sri Lanka as a medicinal store. Sri Lankans use these spices to prepare food as well as a flavor. 


Our village chef is waiting to explain you how we make delicious Sri Lankan cuisines by adding those Sri Lankan spices. He’ll share some of our common local recipes with you. Not only that but also you can notify how he use our traditional kitchen equipment’s such as, mortar and pestle, winnowing fan, colander, clay pots and other utensils for cooking. You too have a chance to join with him to cook your own lunch and also get the idea & try later at home. Paddy houses are very abundant in the country and it is coconut leaf thatched wattle & daubed single unit. Their food culture is amazing & we still have a chance to present this activity in this unique atmosphere.